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Can Dogs Eat Rice Cakes?

Dogs love to eat treats — to the point where they’d steal some snacks from your plate and eat more than they should. And because it can be challenging to say “no” to your dogs, you usually let them get away with it. But should you allow this kind of behavior when they eat rice cakes?

Rice cakes are food items made from rice that has been condensed, shaped, or combined into a single object. Rice cakes vary in many different cultures and are prevalent in Asian countries. 

The short answer to the question posted here is: no, your dogs shouldn’t eat rice cakes. Although a satisfying and tasty snack for humans, rice cakes can adversely affect your dogs’ health because of the following reasons:

Low In Nutrients 

Rice cakes are typically made from white rice, a variety of rice that’s highly processed. Producing white rice means removing the outer layers, which also strips off nutrients like protein and fiber. 

Without any nutritional content, feeding your dogs rice cakes is basically giving them refined carbs. Over time, refined carbs can trigger rapid alterations in your dogs’ insulin levels and cause chronic inflammation in their bodies. 

High Glycemic Index

Another reason why you should never feed your dogs rice cakes is because they have a high glycemic index. This is harmful to your dogs as it can cause their blood sugar levels to spike quickly. As a result, your dogs’ wounds will take longer to heal, and infections will worsen. 

If you’re trying to keep your dogs’ weight in check, it’s best to avoid giving rice cakes to them. The high glycemic index of this food is associated with more weight gain.

High Salt Level

A healthy 33-pound dog only needs about 100 milligrams of salt every day. Too much salt in your dogs’ diets can trigger several symptoms, such as seizures and muscle tremors. In severe cases, salt poisoning can also cause sudden death. 

Your dogs’ kibble already contains sufficient amounts of salt, which means that feeding them rice cakes will only increase their risk of salt poisoning. 

High Carbohydrates

Rice cakes are packed with carbohydrates. Similar to its effect on human health, a high-carb diet can also lead to many health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer. 

Can Puppies Eat Rice Cakes?

No, rice cakes shouldn’t be part of your puppies’ diets. In fact, your puppies’ diets shouldn’t contain any store-bought or processed foods because their digestive systems aren’t fully developed yet. Feeding them foods not intended for their age or size can cause an upset stomach and other health issues. 

Can Dogs Eat Tteokbokki? 

No, your dogs shouldn’t eat Tteokbokki. Tteokbokki is a variety of rice cake from Korea but is made differently than regular rice cakes. Tteokbokki is made using steamed flour from different types of grains, namely glutinous and non-glutinous rice types. 

Gluten can be harmful to dogs, which is why you should never feed them Tteokbokki. Depending on how sensitive your dogs are, they might experience skin and ear infections when you give them Tteokbokki. For highly sensitive pooches, Tteokbokki can cause gastrointestinal issues. 

Can Dogs Eat Mochi?

Yes, your dogs can eat mochi as long as it’s given in small quantities and limited frequencies. Mochi is a Japanese rice cake primarily made with short-grain rice and other common ingredients, such as cornstarch, water, and sugar. 

When feeding mocha to your dogs, pick the plain or unflavoured varieties. It’s also important to limit their consumption because overeating mochi can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach ache in dogs. 

Can Dogs Have Rice Krispies? 

Yes, but in very small quantities. Rice Krispies also contain sodium, sugar, and artificial flavors that can harm your four-legged friends when consumed in large amounts. 

When feeding Rice Krispies to your dogs, avoid diet and sugar-free varieties as they contain xylitol. This ingredient is highly toxic to canines. 

Can Dogs Eat Apple Cinnamon Rice Cakes?

No, your dogs should never eat apple cinnamon rice cakes. This variety of rice cake also contains high levels of carbohydrates, calories, and sugar, which are all harmful to your dogs. 

Can Dogs Eat Caramel Rice Cakes?

No, your dogs shouldn’t be offered caramel rice cakes because they’re packed with salt and sugar. As mentioned, these ingredients aren’t good for your dogs’ overall health. 

How About Rice Crackers?

No, your dogs shouldn’t eat rice crackers because they contain milk. Not all dogs can tolerate milk, and giving them food that uses this ingredient can cause upset stomach and diarrhea. 

Can Dogs Eat Rice Bones?

Yes, your dogs can eat rice bones as they’re made especially for canines. These treats are healthy because they contain essential nutrients to keep your dogs active and healthy. Most rice bones have fiber and low-fat content, as well. 

What Are Better Alternatives To Rice Cakes For Dogs?

Rice cakes are crunchy, which is why your dogs will usually take some off of your plates. But since rice cakes contain ingredients harmful to your dogs, opt to feed them with the foods listed below. These are healthier and safer for your four-legged friends. 


Celery is an excellent snack for dogs because they’re very low in fat and cholesterol and contain vitamins A, C, and K. This vegetable also has fiber that can improve the digestive system of your dogs. 


Dogs can benefit from broccoli because this vegetable offers several nutrients, namely calcium and potassium. Broccoli is also a great source of vitamin K that promotes higher bone density and stronger bones in dogs. This is important, especially for growing dogs. 


Zucchini is rich in vitamins A, B6, C, and K, which all play a significant role in your dogs’ vision, skin, coat, and bone growth. These vitamins are also important to keep your dogs’ metabolism healthy and support the proper blood clotting process in their bodies. 


Cauliflower offers many nutrients to your dogs. This vegetable also has antioxidants that can boost your dogs’ immune systems and overall wellness. Thanks to its low-carb content, cauliflowers are also suitable for diabetic and overweight dogs. 

Consult A Vet First

With the variety of rice cakes available today, determining which ones are safe or unsafe for your dogs can get tricky. This is especially true if you’re a first-time pet owner or attempting to change your pets’ diets for the first time. 

To make things easier, consult a vet before incorporating human foods into your dogs’ diets. In this way, you can spoil your dogs with different foods without compromising their health. 

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