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Can Dogs Eat Twizzlers?

Being a pet owner is fun but challenging at the same time. The latter is especially true when you try to deny your dogs some human food. It can be very difficult for you to say “no” to your fur babies when they start to sit still and stare at the food you’re eating.  

However, to ensure that your dogs remain safe and healthy for years, it’s essential to know which human foods are safe or unsafe for them. Being equipped with this information can significantly affect your dogs’ quality of life and lifespan. 

Unfortunately, Twizzlers are one of those human foods which should be off-limits to your dogs. This product is harmful to dogs because of the following ingredients:

Wheat Flour

One of the most basic ingredients used in making Twizzlers is wheat flour. This acts as a binding agent and brings structure to the candy. Although not toxic to dogs, wheat flour contains gluten, a special kind of protein that can trigger allergic reactions in dogs. 


Similar to other candies, Twizzlers use a lot of sugar. A high-sugar diet can cause many health problems in dogs, namely obesity, tooth decay, and diabetes. These health conditions can cause lethargy in your dogs and shorten their lifespan. 

Corn Syrup

In addition to sugar, Twizzlers also use corn syrup. This ingredient is a sweetening agent that also adds moisture and texture to the candy. Corn syrup is not toxic to dogs, but its high sugar content isn’t recommended for them either. The excessive amounts of sugar found in corn syrup can increase your dogs’ risks of developing diabetes and obesity.

Corn Starch

Because corn starch doesn’t have any nutritional value, it’s best not to give your dogs foods that use this ingredient. Corn starch can trigger allergic reactions in dogs and cause sneezing, coughing, and obsessive self-licking. In extreme cases, these allergic reactions can also cause abdominal pain and eye irritation.

Mineral Oil

In controlled quantities, mineral oil can be used to treat mild constipation in dogs. This ingredient works by adding extra moisture to your dogs’ stools, so they can pass their stools easier. But because Twizzlers contain high amounts of mineral oil, feeding the candy to your dogs will only cause stomach upset and diarrhea. 

Citric Acid

When given in large amounts, citric acid can be problematic for dogs. For one, they can trigger central nervous system depression, which can eventually cause a decline in your dogs’ motor activities, incoordination, and impaired reflexes. 


Unlike humans, dogs don’t need salt in their diets. In fact, consuming too much salt can poison them and cause many symptoms, like depression, seizures, tremors, and high temperature. Salt poisoning can only cause sudden deaths in dogs.  

Can Puppies Have Twizzlers?

No, you should never give Twizzlers to your puppies. Puppies have weaker digestive tracts, and feeding them even a small amount of Twizzlers can be fatal. Stay on the safe side and only feed your puppies milk and dog food suitable for their age and breed. 

Can Dogs Have Sugar-Free Twizzlers?

No, you should never feed your dogs with sugar-free Twizzlers. They still lack nutritional benefits and only contain high amounts of salt and sugar. Feeding sugar-free Twizzlers to your furry friends will only do more harm than good. 

Can Dogs Have Black Licorice Twizzlers?

No, dogs should never eat black licorice Twizzlers as they can negatively affect their blood pressure. They also contain excessive amounts of sugar, which can have detrimental effects on your dogs’ health. 

Can Twizzlers Kill Dogs?

No, Twizzlers will not kill your dogs. There has been no record of canine deaths caused by eating these sugary snacks. If you find your dogs consuming several pieces of Twizzlers, you don’t need to worry about the candy killing your furry friends. 

But because dogs’ bodies aren’t naturally built to digest large amounts of human foods, namely Twizzlers, expect that they will experience several symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting, or mild gastrointestinal distress. When this happens, take them to the vet pronto.

Are There Canine-Friendly Alternatives To Twizzlers?

Yes, there are! Instead of sharing some of your Twizzlers with your dogs, opt to give them the following:


Similar to how humans need to eat vegetables every day, your dogs also need vegetables in their diets. Vegetables are great sources of healthy sugars for your dogs that can help produce energy and fuel many processes in their bodies, such as breathing and thinking. 

Some of the healthiest vegetables you can give to your dogs are green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, and peas. Kale, spinach, and celery are also great options. 


You can also add fruits to your dogs’ diets as they contain essential vitamins and minerals. As long as given in moderation, fruits can boost your dogs’ immune system, improve their skin and fur, and support healthy aging. 

Almost all fruits are safe and healthy for your dogs. However, grapes are an exception because they contain compounds that can cause severe kidney damage to dogs. This can lead to acute kidney failure and even sudden death. 

Peanut Butter

Do you want to reward your dogs with sweet treats once in a while? Giving them small amounts of peanut butter is a great option. Peanut butter is nutritious for canines because it provides nutrients, fiber, protein, and healthy fats. 


You can also give your dogs plain yogurt as occasional snacks. Yogurt is a great source of probiotics, calcium, and protein, which can strengthen your dogs’ immune systems and treat an upset stomach. Just make sure to choose yogurts that don’t contain artificial sweeteners. 

Talk To A Vet 

As a pet owner, you’re responsible for providing a healthy and well-balanced for your furry friends. Never assume that just because certain foods and snacks are healthy for you, you can immediately share some with your dogs. 

If you have problems choosing which human foods to give to your dogs, reach out to a vet immediately. Don’t change your dogs’ diets just because “you feel like it,” as this can adversely affect their health. 

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