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Can Hamsters Eat Fruit?

Humans are recommended to consume two servings of fruit every day to remain healthy. Fruits are packed with vitamins and minerals and are high in fiber, which can reduce a person’s risk of developing diabetes, cancer, inflammation, and heart diseases. 

But just because fruits are healthy to humans, doesn’t immediately mean that you should include the same type and amount of fruits in your hamsters’ diets. Hamsters’ bodies and your body are different, and feeding too much or the wrong type of fruit will only do more harm than good. 

If you’re wondering whether you should feed your hamsters with fruits, this article will provide answers. All of the information presented here will help you determine which fruits are safe and unsafe for your hammies to nibble on. 

So Can Hamsters Eat Fruit?

Yes, hamsters can eat different types of fruits but in moderation. Hamsters have very sensitive digestive tracts, and feeding too many fruits can lead to several health risks, namely obesity, diabetes, and constipation. Feeding your hamsters with the wrong type of fruit can also cause poisoning. 

What Fruits Are Safe For Hamsters To Eat?

A lot of fruits are actually safe and healthy for your hamsters. As long as given in limited quantities and frequencies every week, your hamsters can enjoy the following fruits:


The maxim that states, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ remains true even for hamsters as this fruit contains tons of vitamins and minerals. For one, apples are packed with vitamin C that can boost the immune system of your hamsters and protect them from common infections and diseases. Apples are also high in fiber, low in calories, and don’t contain cholesterol. 

When feeding hamsters with apples, just make sure to remove the seeds as they contain cyanide. Cyanide is poisonous and can be lethal to your hamsters even when taken in small amounts. 


Another fruit that’s safe for your hamsters are bananas. Bananas are rich in fiber that can help keep your hamsters’ digestive tract healthy. By adding bananas to your hamsters’ diets, your pets will have lesser risks of constipation, and they’ll have regular bowel movements. Bananas also contain minerals and vitamins C, A, and B1. 

Aside from the fruit, you can also feed your hamsters with banana peels or skin. Just make sure that these are washed properly in running water before giving them to your hamsters. 


Everybody needs some sweetness in their lives — and your hamsters aren’t an exemption. For a sweet and healthy treat, give your hamsters tiny slices of mangoes no more than twice a week. Mangoes are rich in vitamin K that can support your hamsters’ wound healing processes. 

To ensure that your hamsters enjoy the health benefits of mangoes, make sure to feed them the fruit only. Never give them any dried mangoes and mango juice, as these have a high sugar content that can trigger obesity in your hamsters. 


You can also give pears to your hamsters as these are actually healthy and filling snacks. Pears contain potassium that can provide energy to your hamsters. Potassium also keeps your hamsters’ hearts, muscles, and nerves strong even as they age. Pears are also rich in antioxidants, dietary fibers, and vitamins C and K. 

Besides the fruit, you can also give your hamsters pear skin. If possible, feed them organic pears as they contain lesser amounts of pesticides, which means that the skin is cleaner and healthier. 


Hamsters can also eat grapes in moderation as this fruit contains vitamins and minerals necessary for their growth. For one, grapes contain calcium that can keep your hamsters’ bones and teeth strong. Grapes are also excellent sources of vitamins K and C, phosphorus, and fiber. 

Before feeding grapes to your hamsters, make sure to remove any seeds as these can be a choking hazard. You can save time by choosing to give your hamsters seedless grapes instead.


Because of its water content, feeding your hamsters with watermelon can help with their hydration. Hydrated pets have a lower risk of developing urinary tract infections and are generally healthier and more active. Watermelons are also an excellent source of calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. 

Always remove the seeds before seeding your hamsters with watermelon. The size of the watermelon seeds can become a choking hazard to hamsters, especially for the smaller breeds. 

What Fruits Should Hamsters Avoid?

Not all fruits are healthy and safe for hamsters. The fruits listed below are generally harmful to hamsters, so make sure never to feed your pets any:


Oranges and other types of citrus fruits have very high acidic content, which can cause stomach distress and diarrhea in your hamsters. Although not fatal, feeding your hamsters with any type of citrus fruits can make them really sick and cause a lot of painful symptoms.


You should never feed your hamsters starfruit as it contains a deadly neurotoxin that can cause kidney problems in hamsters. Pets with weak or failing kidneys can suffer from painful symptoms, namely loss of balance, weight loss, and vomiting.

Seedy Fruits

Seedy fruits, such as kiwi, blackberries, and dragon fruit, should never be fed to your hamsters. Aside from being a choking hazard, these seeds often contain cyanide, which can be poisonous to your hamsters. Stay on the safe side and never give any seedy fruits to your hamsters. 

How Can You Properly Feed Your Hamsters Fruits?

If this is your first time feeding hamsters with fruit, start by giving them small portions and then observe if they’re developing any side effects after 12 hours. If your hamsters exhibit signs of lethargy or diarrhea, discontinue feeding them the fruit. 

On the other side of the coin, if your hamsters remain active and healthy after feeding the fruit, you can gradually incorporate the fruit into their diets. Just make sure that you’re giving them the fruit as snacks or treats, not as a replacement for their meals. 

Partner With A Vet 

If you’re having problems introducing fruits to your hamsters’ diets, consult a vet first. They can properly assess the health condition of your hamsters and recommend fruits that are safe and healthy for them. By working with a vet, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your hamsters remain safe and healthy as you feed them different types of fruits!  

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