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Can Rabbits Eat Apples?

Rabbits are the cutest pets. There are lots of things to love about them. Their very friendly and playful nature makes their owners’ days brighter. Furthermore, these tiny creatures are intelligent and easy to care for.

Despite this, we shouldn’t be careless with their welfare. Rabbits are very sensitive to their diet. Thus, we should be mindful of what we feed them. Their safety must come first, no matter how much we may want to see our cute pets chew on food.

Considering this, should we give apples to our rabbits? Is this fruit safe for them? Find out in this article!

Are Apples Safe for Your Rabbit?

Yes! Apples are safe for your bunnies to eat.

Although hay and grass are the staples of their diet, rabbits also need a considerable amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. 

The University of Miami’s Department of Biology includes apples among the “safe fruit options” for rabbits. These, however, should be given on special occasions and enjoyed in small amounts.

Furthermore, you should introduce this fruit slowly and feed it to your rabbit in tiny portions. It is recommended to provide your pet with a maximum of two tablespoons of apples within a day and one to two times a week.

If safely supplied, apples are good for your rabbit’s health. This fruit provides an excellent amount of hydration and vitamins. Additionally, it is rich in potassium, fiber, protein, and antioxidants.

However, giving this fruit to your pet in excess could be harmful. Apples contain sugar, which may cause health issues. Further, it may cause digestion and dietary problems. Some of its nutritional components could also cause trouble if not regulated.

Therefore, follow the advised amounts to maximize its health benefits while avoiding issues. In addition, bear in mind that fruits like apples shouldn’t be your rabbit’s primary source of nutrients but an occasional treat.

Health Benefits of Giving Your Rabbit Apples

Apples are a fruit with several nutritional contents. Your rabbit will get the following health advantages from eating this fruit in moderation.


Water makes up 86% of an apple’s mass. This fruit is therefore beneficial for keeping your bunny hydrated.

You can prevent your rabbits from becoming dehydrated by giving them apples, therefore avoiding health complications such as kidney stones, breathing difficulties, and heart problems. 

This also aids their intestines in digesting food efficiently. In addition, it maintains their organ function and helps their kidneys filter waste and impurities.

However, the recommended water intake varies depending on several characteristics of rabbits. This includes their size, activity level, age, and environment temperature. Thus, it is best to moderate the number of apple slices you give them to avoid issues.


Apples contain a modest amount of protein.

Despite being a herbivore, your rabbit will still require a tiny dose of protein in their diet. Their body needs this nutrient to function properly and stay healthy.

Protein is also called the building block as it contains amino acids. Animals utilize proteins to maintain and grow their muscles. Your pet may also use this nutrient as energy. Additionally, it assists in producing hormones and enzymes required for several body processes.


Apples are loaded in fiber. Rabbits need this nutrient to maintain their low-protein diet. Fiber-rich foods such as this also promote dental and digestive health. Feeding your pet apples helps them wear down their constantly growing teeth. 

Additionally, it facilitates the smooth digestion of food in their tummies. This is done by balancing the enzymes in their stomach. Hence, this prevents gastrointestinal stasis in bunnies. Further, it boosts their metabolism and preserves the proper acidity of their intestines. 

Dietary fiber could also help avoid obesity. As such, it reduces the risk of diabetes and heart failure. It also optimizes your bunny’s long-term diet and improves their psychological well-being.


Apples have small amounts of potassium. It is a nutrient that your rabbit’s diet must include in small portions.

This mineral helps regulate their heart rate and assists in managing hypertension. In addition, it aids a number of biological processes, including nerve impulses, cellular functions, muscle contractions, and electrolyte levels. It is also involved in maintaining your rabbits’ fluid balance.

If your rabbit has low potassium intake, also referred to as hypokalemia, they can experience energy loss and muscle weakness. In worse cases, this might also take their life abruptly. Thus, you could ensure that your rabbit gets adequate potassium in their diet by giving them this fruit. 


Additionally, this fruit has a variety of vitamins that are good for your rabbit.

This includes vitamin A, a nutrient that benefits your rabbit’s eyes and skin. Their muscles and immune system will also benefit from its vitamin E content. Apples also contain vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting and quickens the healing of wounds.

However, this also has vitamins that your rabbits don’t need. Included in this are vitamin C and B-vitamins. They do not require dietary supplements of these nutrients as their body produces these naturally. So, limit how many apple slices you will be feeding your pet to avoid complications.


According to research, apples contain phytochemicals that have antioxidant properties. These are compounds that are incredibly beneficial for your pet.

These guard your rabbit against oxidative stress-related cell damage by controlling the formation of free radicals. Thus, giving your rabbit apples aids in the prevention of a range of illnesses, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer.

Health Risks of Giving Your Rabbit Apples

Although generally healthy, overfeeding your rabbits with apples will result in health issues.


Compared to other fruits, apples have relatively low sugar content. However, feeding your rabbit too much of this fruit will be troublesome.

Sugar is tough for bunnies to digest. Hence, overeating apples may cause stomach aches and diarrhea.

Your rabbits might also become spoiled on sweet treats. As a result, they may crave it and break from their recommended diet. This could lead to overeating, which would cause obesity. Obese rabbits are more susceptible to illnesses like heart disease and kidney failure.

If their body can’t process the surge in sugar intake, this will induce diabetes. Although diabetic rabbits may not be common, they will experience severe consequences and need extensive medication.

Digestive and Dietary Issues

Fruits and vegetables take up a small portion of rabbits’ diet. Overfeeding your rabbit apples could result in imbalance and stomach problems.

Your rabbit might not get the necessary nutrients from other sources such as grass and hay. Hence, this might lead to digestive and dietary issues. With that, be careful with their apple consumption and maintain the suggested balance in their diet.


Rabbits ingesting excess potassium is equally as dangerous as getting too little. Hyperkalemia in rabbits could result from consuming too much potassium. This exhibits signs of muscle weakness and exhaustion. Further, bunnies with this condition will also experience hyperventilation and kidney problems.

Excessive Vitamin C

Since they naturally synthesize vitamin C, your pet doesn’t need it. Though, you should watch out for excessive vitamin C intake. 

This might harm their kidneys and may develop deposits in their urinary tract. As such, your bunny may find it difficult to pee and may have abnormalities in their urine. Hence, make sure not to overfeed your pet with apples.

What Would Happen To Your Rabbit If They Ate Apples?

In most cases, your rabbit would not have any adverse reactions to apples. When eaten in moderation, this fruit is safe for them. Thus, your rabbit could enjoy eating apples as long as you carefully washed and sliced this fruit.

Nonetheless, being cautious and observing your pet after eating apples is not bad either. If they exhibit the following symptoms, take them to a medical professional immediately:

  • Diarrhea
  • Itching
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Reddish Teary Eyes
  • Urine Abnormalities

Can Rabbits Eat Apple Peels?

If you’re thinking of giving your rabbit apples, it’s best to include the peel!

Apples are already healthy, but the skin is where most of its nutrients are. This part contains most of the antioxidants and fiber. Additionally, it has more vitamins than the fruit itself. Hence, apples that have not been peeled are healthier for your rabbit.

However, giving them too many apple peels is not a good idea. It could induce stomach aches and indigestion in your rabbit. Similar to the fruit itself, this is also an occasional treat. Be sure to wash the apples thoroughly as well. This could have residues of wax, pesticides, and chemicals that might cause gastrointestinal problems in your pet.

In addition, you should not give these to baby rabbits. Their digestive system is not yet completely developed, so they may find this harsh and hard to process. In most cases, they also won’t benefit as much from this.

Can Rabbits Eat Apple Seeds?

It’s best to keep apple seeds away from your rabbit. Aside from not having any nutritional benefits, it could also be troublesome. Hence, be sure to cut the apple into slices and remove this part before serving it to your pet.

The claim that cyanide is present in apple seeds is only partially correct. The seeds actually contain a cyanogenic compound called amygdalin. According to research, this does not have significant toxic properties for rabbits. However, this substance might be broken down and transformed into cyanide inside their digestive system.

Therefore, it is best to remove apple seeds altogether to avoid issues.

Can Rabbits Eat Apple Leaves and Twigs?

Apple leaves and twigs are harmless and better suited for your bunny. These are more enjoyable for your pet to chew on as these parts are more similar to what they usually consume.

In addition, apple twigs could help in preventing their teeth from overgrowing. These never stop growing throughout their lifetime. Hence, it helps their teeth gnaw and wear down, which promotes the emergence of newer and healthier teeth.

Nevertheless, these could have residues of dangerous pesticides and chemicals. As such, be sure to wash them thoroughly beforehand to avoid issues.

Can Rabbits Eat Applesauce?

Applesauce is also not advisable for rabbits. Although made with apples, this may include added sugar and spices, which might be harmful to your pet. However, if you made an all-natural and healthier version of this, still moderate how much you will be feeding your rabbit.

Can Rabbits Drink Apple Juice?

Rabbits should not drink apple juice either. This has a high sugar content, which may result in stomach pain, diarrhea, and indigestion. 

In some cases, your pet’s vet might suggest putting apple juice in their drinking water to encourage them to hydrate more. In this situation, make sure you are adding pure and/or natural apple juice.

Conclusion: Can Rabbits Eat Apples?

Giving your rabbits apples is harmless. This fruit is not toxic and highly unlikely to cause them issues.  Apple offers your rabbit several health benefits as they are rich in potassium, fiber, protein, and antioxidants. This is also good for keeping your pet hydrated and gives nourishing vitamins.

Nonetheless, this should only comprise a small part of your bunny’s diet. You should not overfeed them with apples as this contains sugar and may cause digestive and dietary issues. Furthermore, some of its nutritional components may backfire if consumed in large quantities.

If you’re considering giving your rabbit apples, it is best to include the peel, as this part contains the most nutrients. You should also consider giving them apple twigs and leaves as a more suitable alternative. Leave the seeds, though, as they can be troublesome when consumed.

As such, we should be mindful of everything we give our rabbits. Many nutritious foods may be troublesome if given too much. Apples are occasional treats and not their primary source of nutrition. And, we should limit how much of these treats we feed our pets. This will ensure their safety and prolong the time we will be spending with them.

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