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Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage?

As pet owners, we want nothing but the best for our furry friends. That’s why we want to give them the best food we can get. 

For rabbits, it’s a common belief that anything green and leafy is okay. But how true is this statement?

While rabbits do love eating greens, the truth is that not all green veggies are good for them. Some are quite harmful and should be avoided.

So, can rabbits eat Cabbage? 

Yes, rabbits can eat Cabbage. Rabbits love the crunchy texture of Cabbage leaves. 

But they should only eat in moderation. Cabbage is high in sulfurous compounds which can disrupt your rabbit’s digestive system.

Since rabbits don’t have adequate means of passing gas, large quantities of gastrointestinal disruptions caused by overeating Cabbage can be harmful. In some cases, it can even be fatal.

Let’s delve deeper into what Cabbage has to offer your rabbit. We’ll look into its contents, effects, and pros and cons to determine if it’s truly safe for rabbits to eat.

What Is A Cabbage?

Cabbage is a leafy vegetable that belongs to the Brassica oleracea species. This includes other vegetables such as Brussel sprouts, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and collard greens. 

Cabbage is typically green or red. They have a thick, crunchy texture and a slightly bitter taste.

Cabbage is a good source of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium. They are also low in calories, making them a good option if your rabbit is trying to lose weight. 

A half-cup of shredded Cabbage contains about 22 Calories, 1 gram of protein, 2 grams of fiber, and 4 grams of carbohydrates. These nutritional values are essential for a healthy and balanced diet for your rabbit. 

Is Cabbage Safe For Rabbits?

Yes, Cabbage is safe for rabbits. Judging by Cabbage’s number of nutrients, it would be safe to say that this crunchy veggie is suitable for your bunny.

However, as with other brassica vegetables, Cabbage can cause gas and other digestive problems when given in large quantities. That’s why it’s always a rule of thumb only to provide them with a small amount, especially if it’s their first time eating Cabbage.

Like introducing any other vegetable to your rabbit, the best way to introduce Cabbage is by giving your pet small amounts. Your rabbit may or may not like the taste of Cabbage. Some bunnies love it while others do not so much. 

If your rabbit shows signs of not enjoying the taste of Cabbage, don’t force them to eat it. Simply remove the Cabbage from its cage and try again later.

If your rabbit still doesn’t show any interest in eating Cabbage even after several attempts, it’s probably best to leave it out of their diet altogether. Instead, it’s best to focus on other vegetables your rabbit enjoys eating.

On the other hand, if your rabbit does enjoy Cabbage, then you can gradually increase the amount you give them. Just remember always to monitor their intake to avoid any potential digestive problems.

Can Cabbage Poison Your Rabbit?

No, Cabbage will not poison your rabbit. Cabbage is a healthy vegetable for rabbits to eat.

As long as it’s given in moderation, Cabbage can give your rabbit a good source of nutrients. You can even pair it with other vegetables to create a healthy and balanced diet for your bunny.

However, it’s important to note that Cabbage plants can absorb harmful pesticides and other toxins from the ground. This is why it’s always best to buy organic Cabbage to feed your rabbit. 

Organic cabbages are grown without the use of harmful pesticides and other chemicals. This makes them a safer option for your rabbit to eat.

If you can’t find organic Cabbage, you can wash the Cabbage thoroughly to remove any potential toxins.

Health Benefits of Cabbage to Rabbits

Good Source Of Vitamins And Minerals

Cabbage is a healthy vegetable for rabbits to eat. It’s a good source of vitamins and minerals for a bunny’s diet. These include Vitamin C, K, B6, Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium.

Aids In Digestion

Cabbage is also a good source of fiber. This helps to promote a healthy digestive system in rabbits. Fiber is also great at preventing constipation and other digestive problems.

Boosts Immune System

As mentioned earlier, Cabbage is rich in Vitamin C. This vitamin is essential for a bunny’s immune system.

It helps to protect them from diseases and other health problems. Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that fights free radicals and other impurities in the body.

Weight Loss

Cabbage is a low-calorie vegetable. This makes it a good option for rabbits trying to lose weight. The fiber in Cabbage also helps to promote a healthy appetite—it can help your bunny to eat less and healthily lose weight.

Risks of Feeding Cabbage to Your Rabbit

Gas and Bloating

Due to its high sulfur content, Cabbage can cause gas bloating in rabbits. This is especially true if it’s given in large quantities. If your rabbit experiences these symptoms, it’s best to reduce the amount of Cabbage you’re feeding them.


Cabbage can also cause diarrhea in rabbits. This is usually the result of overeating or overeating Cabbage at one time. If your rabbit has diarrhea, it’s essential to give them plenty of water to prevent dehydration.

You can also add probiotics to their diet to help regulate their digestive system. That way, they can return to regular eating habits in no time.

Thyroid Problems

Cabbage contains goitrogens, which can impair the iodine uptake of your rabbit’s thyroid. This can lead to problems with the thyroid gland, such as goiter. 

Your rabbit will develop goitrogens if they overeat Cabbage. That’s why it’s essential to monitor their cabbage intake and ensure they’re not overeating.

What Happens When Your Rabbit Overeats Cabbage?

If your rabbit overeats Cabbage, it may experience some digestive problems. These can include gas, bloating, and diarrhea. 

Your rabbit may also develop goitrogens if they overeat Cabbage. This can lead to problems with the thyroid gland, such as goiter

If your rabbit is experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s essential to reduce the amount of Cabbage you’re feeding them. You can also add probiotics to their diet to help regulate their digestive system. 

If you’re unsure what to do, it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian. They can help you create a healthy diet for your rabbit that includes the right amount of Cabbage.

It would be best to consult your vet before feeding your rabbit any cabbage. They can help you determine the suitable vegetable for your bunny and how much of it they should eat.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage Every Day?

No, rabbits should not eat Cabbage every day. Cabbage is a healthy vegetable for rabbits to eat, but it should only be given in small quantities.

This is because Cabbage contains goitrogens, which can disrupt the iodine uptake of your pet’s thyroid. Too much Cabbage can also cause digestive problems like gas and bloating.

So, if you’re planning to feed your rabbit cabbage, make sure to do so in moderation. And if your rabbit shows signs of not liking Cabbage, it’s best to remove it from their diet altogether.

How Much Cabbage Can A Rabbit Eat?

Rabbits can eat up to a cup of raw Cabbage for every two pounds. However, starting with a smaller amount is best and increasing it gradually. 

Starting small will help you gauge your rabbit’s reaction to the Cabbage. It will also help to prevent any digestive problems that may occur.

Can Rabbits Eat Cooked Cabbage?

No, rabbits should not eat cooked Cabbage. Cooking cabbage can destroy essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. 

It can also make the goitrogens in Cabbage more potent. These goitrogens can disrupt the iodine uptake of your pet’s thyroid, leading to health problems.

At the same time, cooked veggies can also cause severe problems to your rabbit’s digestive system. That’s why it’s essential only to feed raw veggies to your rabbit—Cabbage included.

So, Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage?

Yes, rabbits can eat Cabbage. This vegetable is rich in vitamins and nutrients, which you’d want to include in your rabbit’s diet.

However, giving them only a tiny amount of Cabbage is vital since it contains sulfurous compounds and goitrogens. On the other hand, too much Cabbage can lead to problems with the thyroid gland and digestive issues.

It’s also essential to feed your rabbit Cabbage in moderation. Start with small portions before increasing the amount gradually. This will help you assess your rabbit’s reaction and prevent health problems.

If you’re unsure about anything, it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian. These pet experts can create a healthy and well-balanced diet for your rabbit that includes the right amount of Cabbage.

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