Home » Rabbits » Can Rabbits Eat Chinese Cabbage or Bok Choy

Can Rabbits Eat Chinese Cabbage or Bok Choy

Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. oleifera), also known as bok choy, field mustard, keblock, bird rage, turnip rape, pak choi, or pok choi, is one of the Brassica rapa variety. It belongs to the family Brassicaceae or Cruciferae (the mustards, crucifers, or cabbage family). Other popular varieties are rapini, Choy sum, napa cabbage, Komatsuna, Tatsoi, turnip, bamdong, and Yellow Sarson.

Besides being a vegetable, it is one of the plants whose seeds are a source of canola oil (colza) and is grown as a fodder crop.

Can bunnies eat chinese cabbage
Can bunnies eat Chinese cabbage

Moderation is key

Rabbits can eat Chinese cabbage in moderation. Make it one of the vegetable mix you give your bunnies a few times a week. Usually, bunnies need about 5-6 different veggies, and you can make boy choy one of them. Two packed cups of the vegetable mix is enough for a rabbit weighing four pounds.

Bok choy has vitamins B and C, calcium, iron, calcium, and potassium. It also has antioxidants that will prevent some chronic diseases, including cancer.

We receive complaints that cabbages, including boy choy, make bunnies gassy. However, that may arise if you don’t follow the right diet, introduce it wrongly, or give them an excessive amount.

On their diet, let rabbits have at least 80% grassy hay, 5% pellets, and 10-15% veggies. Treats should be 0-5%, and some fresh foods like fruits, herbs, flowers, and non-leafy veggies are part of the treats that your pet eats.

Secondly, introduce it slowly to adult rabbits or baby bunnies that are at least 12 weeks of age. A slow introduction gives its digestive system to adapt to the new food. Begin with a small amount and gradually increase the amount.

Finally, even if they like it so much, don’t give them too much as it will cause stomach upset, diarrhea, gas, or bloating. This vegetable doesn’t have enough fiber like hay, a reason why it is given in moderation.


Bok choy is safe for rabbits. However, give them in moderation, i.e., let it be part of the leafy veggies they eat. Also, go for organic one as it has not been treated with any harmful pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizer.

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