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Can Rabbits Eat Corn?

Corn is a popular food for many reasons. First, it’s delicious! Eating corn can be a genuine pleasure. The texture of the kernel and the sweetness of each bite make it a truly satisfying experience. And as a rabbit owner, you are also wondering if you could share some corn with your rabbits. This article will answer everything you need to know about if your rabbit can eat corn.

Is Corn Safe for Rabbits?

Corn is not safe for rabbits. They are high in starch and low in fiber, leading to gastrointestinal problems, such as ileus (acute paralysis of the gut).

Rabbits are herbivores, which means they eat a diet almost entirely made up of plants. Corn is technically a plant so it might seem like a good choice for your furry friend. But the simple answer is that it is not safe for them to eat.

Generally speaking, rabbits need a high fiber diet and low in starch. Corn has the opposite ratio—high starch, soft fiber—and should be avoided. Corn is also standard in protein content (whereas other grains such as rice and oats contain more protein), meaning that your rabbit could become protein deficient if you feed them mostly corn.

And although corn has some benefits—like protein, antioxidants, vitamins A and C, iron, zinc—there are plenty of other foods with those benefits that don’t also have the adverse effects of sugar and fat.

How Much Corn Should You Feed Your Rabbits?

It might be tempting to feed your bunny some corn, especially if you already plan to have some for yourself. Still, veterinarians and zoologists advise against feeding corn to pet rabbits. 

Rabbits are herbivores and can only digest hay, leafy greens, and certain grains. While a rabbit can physically eat corn (as well as many other things it should not), in doing so, the rabbit will become malnourished over time.

Potential Dangers of Feeding Corn to Rabbits

People provide excessive amounts of these full-corn diets for “special occasions” and even as snacks, eventually leading to serious health problems for the rabbits.

High in Starch 

To help you understand the health issues with corn, it is essential to know that corn is highly high in starch.

The problem with high starch levels in your rabbit’s diet can lead to bloating, diarrhea, and other digestive issues. Rabbits have a sensitive digestive tract and are most comfortable when fed a diet primarily consisting of hay or grass.

So why does corn have such high starch content? It is because it is a seed, which means it is packed full of energy for the plant embryo. Since rabbits evolved to eat foods low in starch and sugar, overeating corn could cause severe problems for your little friend.

Can baby rabbits eat corn?

Baby rabbits (which can also be called kittens or bunnies) need a special kind of food in their early months because they’re still developing and learning how to eat solid foods. You will probably notice that their teeth are still growing, and their digestive system is still forming. Because of this, they need something soft, easy to digest, and nutritious.

And going back to the question, can baby rabbits eat corn? The answer is a resounding NO. Corn is not good food for rabbits, whether they are babies or adults.You should feed your baby rabbit alfalfa hay and leafy greens from the list of safe gardens for bunnies, and if you have a bottle-fed bunny, you can give it a unique formula that imitates its mother’s milk.

Can rabbits eat corn husk?

Corn is not typically food that rabbits eat in the wild because it’s generally not available to them naturally. Corn husks are healthy for rabbits to consume, but it is not recommended. Corn Husk, as we know, is stringy. Same with feeding it to your rabbits, it will surely make a problem if you let them chew these itchy grasses.

Can rabbits eat corn cobs?

Corn and its cob is not safe for rabbits to eat. Corn cobs have no nutritional values, and it will be a problem for your rabbit to digest them because corn cobs are indigestible. 

Can rabbits eat corn flakes?

Dry cereals including Corn Flakes can be fed to rabbits. You can share your breakfast Corn Flakes so long as you don’t not mix it with milk. You should also avoid giving Corn Flakes that are high in sugar content. 

Can rabbits eat corn tortilla chips?

No. Tortilla chips are on the list of food that you should avoid giving to your rabbit. Tortilla chips are made of corn, salt, and vegetable oil. These three ingredients are not recommended for rabbits to eat in large servings. Feeding tortilla chips to your rabbit may result in diarrhea, gastrointestinal stasis, and obesity.


There are many options to consider when thinking about the food you should give to your rabbits. It may have discouraged you from feeding your furry pet some corn, but it is essential to save it from a possible lousy incident that grains may cause.

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