Home » Rabbits » Can Rabbits Eat Mushrooms or They Toxic?

Can Rabbits Eat Mushrooms or They Toxic?

Mushroom or toadstool is a type of fungus with a fleshy, fruiting body that bears spores. Most are poisonous, while people eat a few as a delicacy. The term may also refer to Agaricus bisporus, the white button mushroom that many people cultivate.

Can rabbits have mushrooms?

No. Bunnies shouldn’t eat any mushrooms because some of the wild mushrooms are from mildly toxic to very toxic while the edible ones are still not an appropriate diet for these animals. Some of the reasons why your bunnies shouldn’t eat them include the following:

Can rabbits eat mushrooms
Can rabbits eat mushrooms?

Many of them are toxic

While there are edible mushrooms sold in supermarkets (such as Portobello, chestnut, or button) and used in many cuisines, mostly Chinese, European, Japanese, and Korea, some are toxic or poisonous. Toxic ones have metabolites that may be toxic and mind-altering (causes mycotoxicosis).

Some of the toxic mushrooms include fly agaric, psilocybin, panther mushroom and greengills, many of the Inocybe species, some Clitocybe species, among many others. Others like Death Cap, Conocybe filaris, webcaps, Autumn Skullcap, Destroying Angels, and Deadly Dapperling are deadly.

Some of the potentially deadly or deadly toxins they include

  • Amanitins
  • Ergotamine
  • Muscarine
  • Orellanine
  • Monomethylhydrazine
  • Muscimol
  • Ibotenic acid.

Cooking doesn’t degrade most of them, and bunnies shouldn’t eat cooked food, including veggies.

They don’t belong to their digestive system

Rabbits are lagomorphs, a type of hindgut fermenting herbivore that feeds on plants. However, contrary to the assumption of many, mushrooms are not plant or vegetables. They are fungi. Therefore, these animals don’t have the right enzymes to digest them.

They are low in fiber.

We know that typical mushrooms such as the brown, Italian, or Crimini have riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, zinc, and sodium as well as lower amounts thiamine, B6, folate, manganese, potassium, among other nutrients.

That may seem something good to your bunnies. However, they don’t have fiber, which is very important in a rabbit’s diet. Without it, your bunny will suffer from gastrointestinal stasis (slowing or cessation of the food movement in the gut). Also, fiber promotes a healthy gut.

May be harmful to a rabbit’s digestive system

For the varieties that are not toxic they may potentially cause havoc to your rabbit’s digestive system. This problem is likely to happen if they alter the normal healthy microflora balance.

Symptoms of mushroom poisoning

Mushroom poisoning isn’t one of the most reported poisonings in these pets. It is uncommon with ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC), noting that from 2006 to 2010, there was only one case.

However, if your bunny ingests a toxic variety, depending on the level of toxicity and amount consumed, some of the possible symptoms you may notice include the following:

  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Reduced appetite
  • Thirstiness
  • Changes in breathing and heartbeat rate
  • Neurological disorders like dizziness, uncoordinated movement, or seizures 

If your bunny accidentally eats mushrooms, talk to your vet for diagnosis and treatment. Don’t wait to see if they will harm your pet or not.  

Do rabbits eat mushrooms in the wild?

No. wild rabbits don’t eat mushrooms as it is not the kind of their food. However, it is possible to see them nibbling or trying to taste them. Sometimes, they may ingest them accidentally as they are grazing.

More toxic plants and foods

Besides, mushrooms, some of the other plants and foods that your furry friend shouldn’t eat,  include the following:

  • Avocado
  • Chocolate
  • Meat
  • Rhubarb
  • Daffodil
  • Potato, eggplant, and tomato tops
  • Buttercups
  • Broad beans
  • Snowdrop
  • Hemlock
  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Privet
  • Sweet pea
  • Alliums like garlic, onions, leeks, spring onions, chives and so on

Rabbits are herbivores

Rabbits are herbivores that eat grass and other plants while in the wild. They may also eat twigs and tree backs, especially when there is food scarcity.

For your domestic bunny, give them unlimited hay, limited amounts of leafy greens and pellets, as well as some herb, fruits, flowers, and non-leafy vegetable treats.

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